Friday, January 29, 2010

DJ Shiftee Interview & US DMC Finals Footage

DJ Shiftee I know virtually nothing about this kid. However what makes him so endearing is his humble attitude. He seems like the genuine real deal. Mind you this may just be a fluke interview but I look forward to seeing more of him.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010



This is really nothing new in fact its been going on for ages. I've never really been interested in this prospect, however Dj Ravine has inspired me a bit to throw my hat in the ring. How? He was himself, a little ego driven but he kept putting out mixes and kept getting better. His drive has inspired me to push my DJing of Ragga Jungle.

What I've realized is a few bloody things:
1) Ten Minutes is really fucking short.
- I feel my ADD brain click over into hyper drive, and I now have mad respect to all the DJs that are tackling this project.

2) I'm a sucker for old school amen jungle tracks (long intros, heavy rollers and loads of talking)
- What this means is its hard as hell to dig down to the break when DJing with vinyl.

3) Did I mention its a really short time limit.
- I'm both really hating this limitation but its also making me listen to my tracks differently and hone my crates for only the biggest gnarlist jungle rhythms. Not to mention paying attention to the harmonic tension.

The first two stabs will never be released for public consumption. "The giggler" got to hear it and her comments were as followed. Nice track selection but I'm not sure if your style of music will allow you to rock a 10 minute set. She of coarse phrased it nicer then this, but it just makes me want to do it even more.


Drum & Bass ! At the table !!!!!!

Now if my sister in law would just get in to hand drumming...

Friday, January 8, 2010 New Release Drum & Bass Player.

Freaking Awesome Idea. To Bad the Code conflicts with Blogger. It looks fuggly but it works. lol

Monday, January 4, 2010

01.04.2010 Social Lubrication V:007 (Featuring "The Wife Who Remains Nameless")

Cross genre, Platform, Radio Show LIVE from the Annex Studio 312. Join Edward & "Remains Nameless" on a journey to anywhere and everywhere musically. These are the "B-sides" to our holiday mix CD. So kick back and bring in the new years with some fun tunes, while we try to say warm. (Honey can I buy a heater for the Annex?)
Edward The Librarian & "The Wife Who Remains Nameless"
Podcast Link:
Download Link:

Track List:
001) Christians & The Pagans - Dar Williams
002) Highway Halo - Old Crow Medicine Show
003) Place to Be - Nick Drake
004) Yes I will - Michel Franti & Spearhead
005) No Regrets - Aesop Rock
006) Pola on the Banjo - Bela Fleck
007) In My Sleep - Newfound Road
008) I wanna to be Seduced - Leon Redbone
009) Songs We Sing (live) - Assembly of Dust
010) Almost Human - Deep Purple
011) Up on the Hill Where They Do the Boogie - John Hartford
012) Love Your Life - Ed Solo
013) All I Want is You - Michael Franti & Spearhead
014) Motel in Memphis - Old Crow Medicine Show
015) I miss You - Newfound Road
016) Mama, Come Home - Ella Fitzgerald
017) One Step Closer to You - Michael Franti & Spearhead
018) Wondering Star - Portishead
019) Dr. Who on Holiday - Dean Gray

The Librarian Comments:
So my wife is in need of a DJ name. Leave your suggestions in the comment field under this episode.