Tuesday, April 10, 2012

RANDOMNESS: The Future of Rave

This is a topic I've had simmering in the back of my mind. Sure I do my small part for the Ragga Jungle sound but the future of rave really lays in the sound, currently that means Dubstep (Dum, Dum, whah,whah,whah,whaaaaaah). But tomorrow that will be something new and different. Our "electronic music" is not constrained to the limitations of a singular instrument meaning that our sound has the ability to continue to grow and expand infinitely if we keep pushing it.

Currently Dubstep has restoked the fire of Rave. Hell, I've noticed the trickle down effect Dubstep's popularity has had in my blog, djing career and the attitude of the larger public towards electronic music.

So then what kills mes Dubstep is not evil (I'm going to get some flack for this) it just what is hot right now. So when the internet delivers me these cyber bullying campaigns against the rise to popularity of dubstep I get annoyed. All this hate takes me back to my rave up bringing in the Mid West. Living with the shadow of House and Techno looming over the scene and myself being a jungle head, I caught a lot of similar flack. "I can't dance to jungle" or "...there is just so much bass, I can't stand it." Thinking back its those comments I'm really glad I did not live in an era when lightning quick internet could snowball such resentment so quickly.

Whatever your take on Dubstep is the one thing I think we can can agree upon is that its keeping the sprit of Rave alive, and usher in a new generation of Ravers. While talking to Jessie Splitt on this topic he told me that this "next generation" is already starting to branch out and explore the other genres of dance music the supply at Turnstyle. This I'm excites me, no matter what their entry point is to the scene, its really about where they push the sound that matters.

Haters are gonna hate but shut the hell up and go dancing you OLD jaded ravers!

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