Monday, March 4, 2013

FOLLOW UP: Red Lion Junglist exclusivly at Turnstyle

As always visiting Richmond is a hoot especially when you get to visit Turnstyle. This weekend was a virtual who's who in south easteren VA junglist scene. Or maybe it just felt like that as I got to touch base with my friends down south. Big ups to Joanna O & Jessie first and foremost. Konztant Junglist, Indica Jo, Patrick Currier, Dinah Myte, Ill Omen, Chris Grow, & the unforgettable Kristy Cuffee.
Turnstyle Richmond,Virginia
So there is a little bit of a proud father moment as I watched people roll through the Turnstyle shop and pick up the Red Lion Junglist shirt. Needless to say I owe Turnstyle some huge props for believing in my work. As soon as I they are available online I will update you all.
The Red Lion Junglist shirt on display at Turnstyle in Richmond Virginia
The Art Walk was kicked off by Joanna O, the First Lady of Drum & Bass in Richmond braved the chilly temperatures to warm up the wheels of steel.
Joanna O making the selection to kick off Turnstyle's March Art Walk
The thing I enjoy most about watching Joanna O is the fierce focus she brings to her decks. At no point in the mix do you think that she is not in control of the sounds she is playing. Every time I've seen her play she bring the sharp shooter precision to the mix.
Joanna O bring the sound to Turnstyle's March Art Walk
Shuffling into the mix between a Joanna O's jazzy funk set & RobOne's old school review I had my hands full but I enjoyed the challenge to make the evening flow smoothly. Wheeling out with some funky jazz hip-hop to help warm up the crowd.
Edward the Librarian playing the ragga jungle sounds for Turnstyle March Art Walk... man it was cold at first. Photo credit: Addison Helmke
About 3 records in I could see if I was going to get anyone excited to come hang out on this cold ass night I had to start rocking the island sound. So I removed my coat, pulled the ragga tracks and started warming up the street.
Edward the Librarian playing the ragga jungle sounds for Turnstyle March Art Walk. Photo credit: Addison Helmke

RobOne at Turnstyle's march Art Walk
DUM DUM DUMMMMMMM! Insert the rolling sounds of the old school vibe. RobOne took us back through memory D&B lane. Drawing out the old school heads to hear what he was going to be bring next. Photo credit: Addison Helmke
RobOne playing the old school tunes at Turnstyle's march Art Walk
Much respect to RobOne. Photo credit: Addison Helmke
Dub Pistols - Mucky Weekend (Librarian Remix) photo credit: Addison Helmke
Side note to all that are in the know. The Mucky Weekend (Librarian Remix) was a bass monster!

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